Friday, April 21, 2006

Oops, I did it again!

Remember the post from a couple of days ago about kite flying? Well, it was on that kite flying adventure that Abi hurt her ankle. We gave it a couple of days and then went to urgent care on Tuesday to have things checked out since her foot was swollen significantly. They x-rayed it and said it was severely sprained. Two days later, we followed up with our PCP to learn that since it was an injury to the same foot that was broken back in November (yes, seriously, just 5 months ago) we should follow up with a specialist which we did this morning. So, now we are wearing a cast for 4 weeks to heal injured growth plates once again.

So, here is Ab sporting her all too familiar footwear!!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Let's go fly a kite...

Don't you love that song from Mary Poppins? Abi said she thought of that song while we were flying kites yesterday after an Easter egg hunt and lunch. It was very windy (the wind was sweepin down the plain in Michigan yesterday too, Okies!) and we had a great time. Paige would like to share her kite flying strategy with you...

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The new addition to our family!

It should come as no surprise to those who know us well, that I am talking about an animal. Our collection has grown thanks to Easter money provided by Nana.

Please welcome Wave to the Minney family. Wave is an African Giant Millipede.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

HE is Risen Indeed!

What a great Easter! After a great worship service at church we spent a great Easter with friends. The kids had an Easter egg hunt and flew kites. It just doesn't get any better. Not to mention I had TOO much to eat thanks to the professional chef friend that prepared some of the meal.

The night before, "Easter Eve" we enjoyed dying eggs and making Resurrection Cookies.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Four-eyed Girl

Paige screamed her head off today as we got the call that her glasses were ready. She was so excited. The best part though was that God answered the simple prayer of a 7-year old.

We chatted as usual when I picked her up from school today. I got the daily run down as to who went to the principal's office and she asked me if I had heard from the eye glasses place about whether or not her glasses were ready. She was disappointed when I told her they hadn't called as of 10:00 a.m. when I had left the house that morning. She said, "Well, I prayed that I would get my glasses today. So I hope I do."

When we pulled into the driveway, Paige promptly opened her door, got out of the car, ran into the house and pushed the "play" button the answering machine. The only message was from the eye glass store saying her glasses were ready.

It made me thankful that Paige is learning that God does answer prayers. Even simple ones like this.

Ribbit!! Ribbit!!!

I will never look at my daughter's pet frog "Flippy" the same way. Nope, not after today.

For it was today that I went to a friends house to dissect a one-time sweet innocent frog. The frog probably had a family. Wife, kids, a mortgage. And today...we sliced it open.

Not only did we slice it. We pulled its vital organs from the body that it once used to hop and play among friends. Things like, "My heart is bigger than your's" and "Oops! I dropped my liver on the floor!." Were actually spoken. My favorite was, "Look! Mine has parts of a praying mantis in its stomach!" Well, actually maybe my favorite was, "Don't slice the place where it goes poop!"

Anyway, I don't think I will be eating frog legs soon. Not that I would anyway. Although I heard they taste just like chicken. Maybe a chicken will be next on the list....

Monday, April 03, 2006

New at this BLOG thing.

Ok, I really didn't intend for my picture to be so honkin big down there but I am still learning how to do this. I think I am going to have to take remedial blogging lessons somewhere.

This pic is of the kiddos at Paige's school program on Friday. She recited a book entitled "Scary Spiders" and was about her Nana being frightened of spiders!! It was very cute and she is still loving school and has actually completed her first full week!!!

The major question we are being asked right now is "Does Kurtis still have a job?" Yes. He does for now. Rumor has it that more jobs will be cut in the next 6 weeks. But for now we are safe. Thanks for your prayers!