Friday, January 26, 2007

How Pathetic

How pathetic is my life that when my husband starts discussing Valentine's Day I ask him to just pay off my library fines????

Gotta work on this...

Yesterday at "Joy Luck" we were talking about what our kids thought we loved most. I asked my kids for their top five. Here is what they thought was most important to me...

1. Him
2. Abi
3. Paige
4. Dad
5. God

1. Her
2. Grant
3. Paige
4. Dad
5. OU Football

1. all the kids in the family
2. Daddy
3. God
4. Nana (my mom)
5. PaPa Bus (my grandpa)

I'm glad they all thought they were most important but I think I might need to work on the God thing!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Two Thumbs WAY Down!!

For Happily N'Ever After.

I lived happily EVER after when the stupid movie was over. This is the dumbest movie ever and not only did I waste $30 taking my family to see this ridiculous tale but 2 hours of my life I can never get back.

So if your kids are begging you to take them to see this waste of film and ink please take them to see Charlotte's Web or rent Finding Nemo for the 100th time. You will enjoy it more.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

When it is like this, you just gotta laugh

Here is how my day was yesterday...

Woke up to Paige puking all over the house. Literally!! At last count I have 3 puke stains on my carpet.

The dog found dirty (and I do mean DIRTY!) underwear in the laundry room floor and proceded to run all over the house with it in her mouth.

Had to pick Grant up from school with a sprained ankle.

Got a call from middle school camp where Abi had fallen and sprained her wrist.

Kurtis put together the exercise bike we purchased Sunday after church only to find that the very last thing you put on (the computer part) doesn't work.

I have 3 classes to teach today but have 2 kids puking now. Add Grant to the list.

Grant and Paige will both miss an orthodontist appointment today because of puking.

Because of puking, I have a ton of laundry to do. Or throw away which ever I decide.

At 10:00 last night Kurtis tells me he has a meeting in Warren and his pants need to be ironed.

Yesterday, it was my turn to cook supper for the family down the street who had a death in the family. Their 6 week old baby passed away last week. So, in the grand scheme of things my day could have been much worse and I choose to be thankful for puking kids with sprained limbs.