Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fall Musical Revisted

Paige makes her second appearance in a CTH fall musical and Abi her debut in It's a Wonderful Life. And this time...I'm in the audience!!! AMEN to that!!!

We'd love it if you came to the show. And please ask for Paige Kristen's autograph at the meet and greet. She loves that!!!

November 14, 15, 21, 22, 2008 at 8:00 p.m.

November 15, 16, 22, 23, 2008 at 2:00 p.m.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

More to the weekend saga...

When we got back from below mentioned camping trip we unpacked the soaked mess and set everything up and was resting peacefully when the girls noticed that Leonard, our family tortoise, was missing. Leonard has summer quarters out on the deck and Kurtis left the gate open when we were getting things together for the below mentioned horrible camping trip.
Kurtis, the girls and I got our shoes on, grabbed flashlights and began the search for Leonard. We looked in the bushes, out on the nature trail and woods behind our house but Leonard was no where to be found. It isn't like we can give the "Leonard Come!" command, ya know?

I love this tortoise. I am the one who wanted this tortoise when we went to the reptile show to purchase a bearded dragon for Grant. We weren't even looking for a tortoise but I loved him instantly. I was more than upset last night.

I had the poor little thing run over like those losers that purposefully run over turtles on the side of the road. I was afraid some teenager captured him and had decided to make him a science project or something. Michigan winters are rough on cold blooded creatures. What if we didn't find him. He would be frozen solid by late September. You name it, I pictured it.
This morning when I got up Kurtis and Paige had already begun the search again and had made flyers with a picture of Leonard and cheapskate Kurtis even offered a reward for his return. I know you are thinking it is a stupid turtle, right? No, it is a tortoise people!!! And it took my heart right with him I tell you!

Our precious neighbors have many times fed Leonard and our other reptile friends while we have been on vacations and they were anxious to help us find Leonard. They searched high and low and believe it or not...found Leonard!!!! Would you believe he had no explaination for his whereabouts?

Seriously, it was an answered prayer!!

The Calm Before the Storm an understatement.

Let me start at the beginning. The very beginning.... a very good place to start.

It all started on Tuesday of last week when I called Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore to confirm that we would have no trouble getting a campsite without a reservation for the coming weekend. You might ask, "Jacki, why didn't you just make a reservation?" Allow me to answer that. Our national government only allows a certain number of reservable campsites per campground. The ones that were designated "reserved" had all been snatched up for the weekend.

Now, back to my conversation with the park ranger lady....

She replied, "oh, should have no problem ma'am."

Don't call me "ma'am".

So, the Schoebs (our camping buddies) get ahead of us on this journey 4 hrs and 22 minutes to the north of the SE Michigan rat race we call home. They arrive at the campground approx. 10 minutes before us. My cell phone rings and Jayson says, "hey Jacki, they only have one site left and we can only have 6 people on a site (we have a total of 9 camping with us) what are we gonna do?" I'm ticked! Did that crazy ranger lady not tell me we should have no problem two days prior? Yes...yes...she did.

So we are able to get two walk in sites. What's a walk in site? Well, that is a site in which you hike your gear into the site several hundred yards. In our case it was about 200 yards. We take them because we have no choice. We have just driven 4 hrs and 22 minutes. With 5 children. We are tired and we want to climb the dunes and swim on the glorious shores of Lake Michigan. And eat a s'more!

So we do it! We hike two truck loads of gear to two adjoining camp sites. We set up four tents and misc other camping gear. For about 3 hours. Min and I head off for fire wood make a wrong turn and literally the road dead ends into Lake Michigan. It's not as pretty as last time I was here but still I could close my eyes and imagine I was somewhere tropical.

We grab the firewood and head back for our hot dogs, s'mores and pudgie pies.

We clean up that mess.

We played silent football.

Usually this is where we would load all the perishable things in the car for the night, however, it was 200 yards to the car because of the park ranger lady that lied to me so we loaded the food and other supplies in an extra tent.

We take showers and head for bed.

Pretty relaxing and uneventful.

Kurtis and I are laying in the tent reading and he says, "Oh man, I forgot to put on the rain fly. Should we put it on?" To which I replied, " never rains when we camp and it will just make it hot." Let's leave it off."

You know where this is going don't you....Keep reading though.....

So, I never sleep well camping. I really prefer camping at the Four Seasons but I'm a trooper and my family likes camping so I like camping. I toss and turn all night long. Abi and I watch the racoons rummage through our trash (because Kurtis also forgot to take the trash to the dumpster-camping 101) and they fought over it for like an hour. I maybe slept a couple of hours. I'm finally having happy dreams of being somewhere....well, somewhere...else...and it happens. No warning AT ALL!!!

BUCKETS, I mean serious...BUCKETS of rain pours in from ALL SIDES of our tent. I yell at Kurtis to grab the rain fly (which is in the tent) he grabs it and goes out in his unders to put it on. He has this head lamp thing that we bought for caving on his head and I have no flashlight so I just stand still and hold it up off the ground. We are soaked!!! The stuff in our tent is soaked. Everything is a good ol' fashioned SOAKFEST!!!

We hear the Schoebs in their tent laughing so we assume they have their fly on and have just been witnessing the stupidity of the Minneys.

I check my clock on my cell to see that it is 6:07am. You are kidding me!!!

Paige has to go to the bathroom so I grab a jacket and hike up to the bathroom with her. (I really wish I was a guy sometimes!)

When I get back both camps are up and the damage is being assessed.

Food tent-no fly-lids on some of the tubs containing food but pretty much soaked.
Schoeb tent-no fly. Status-soaked.
Clothes-soaked-they were in the tent with us.

We are done. We decide we are going to head home because everything is soaked. So, we begin that process which takes about 2 hours. It has temporarily stopped raining so we begin breaking things down. Things are packed and loaded near the cars. Notice I said, NEAR and NOT IN the cars.

Yip, rain again. And everything is soaked again.

Jayson says to me, "I think I am too old for camping". And I can't agree more.

We load up...Minneys head home...Schoebs take their kids on to the dunes. When we get home we get to unpack everything again. Set up two tents again so that they can air out from the soakfest. We also have to unload all the gear so that it can dry out so that it doesn't mold and stink so that when we go camping again in 10 years we have it at the ready.

Mindy and I figured out we spent more time actually packing/unpacking, driving and planning this camping trip than we actually did camp. And I didn't even set foot on the dunes or the beach.

Pics of this fabulous journey are here and I'm sure Min will have more but I wasn't much in the pic taking mood.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Totally WICKED!!!!

To quote one of the great thinkers of our time, Junie B. Jones...

Wowwie, Wow, WOW!!!

Wicked was amazing!!! Thanks so much Min and Evy for inviting me, it was a BLAST!

I had to hold E up so she could get her pic made with the truck. The real prop truck!!! How cool!

I love this!!! Evy really wanted to listen to the Wicked CD on the way to the theater but neither Min or I had our CD's or iPod but I had uploaded it to my phone so she listened to it just like this for the 30 minute drive to Lansing and kept listening (and singing!) through the lobby. And actually during some of the show!