Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pictures from The Move and Christmas 08 are up!!!

I finally got pics up on facebook...

Click on the ones you want to see and enjoy!!!

The Move

Christmas Part One

Christmas Part Two

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The Bus

I always hated riding the bus. When I was 10 years old and in 5th grade Oklahoma City Public Schools decided to make the school more integrated which meant I was bused about 10 miles across town to another neighborhood. That was my first bus experience. It was noisy, the bus driver was grumpy, the school was gross and I didn't like it.

A few weeks ago I was talking to some friends about my concerns that my kids wanted to ride the bus. I was not a fan. I always thought of my bus experience and didn't want my kids to have that same experience. Then a friend of mine, Heather, shared with me about her first day of kindergarten where she didn't know when to get off the bus so she stayed on until 10:00 PM...PM people at night!!!! She was locked in the bus barn with the busses all by herself. That was kids were not riding the bus.

Well, day two of their new school experience and they are asking to ride the bus. I caved and let them. Abi missed the bus and I had to go get her at school...thank you Lord!...Grant made it...ok...thank you Lord! He is safe and 3:40 I go out to get Paige at the bus stop. I asked her friend Sheigh, "was Paige on the bus?" Sheigh says, "I didn't see Paige on the bus." I calmly say, "Bummer" and head back to the house to call the school. On my way back a mom says, "The bus will make a huge loop and come back to the end of this next street and you can catch it there and see if she is still on if you want to." I dump my coffee I had brought down to enjoy leisurely while waiting for the bus and walk...ok, sprint...down to the next street. All the while I am thinking of my dear sweet friend Heather at the age of 5 sitting on the bus because her mom told her not to get off the bus until she saw her house and she was locked in the bus barn until 10:00pm. I ran faster.

Then, I think of my mean bus driver and I am afraid I am going to get in trouble for losing my kid.

I get to the corner and there is the bus. He looks at me and smiles and I said, "I'm missing a kid." And he is already on a walkie talkie with someone at Liberty Public Schools trying to work it out. But Paige is walking up behind and says, "Here I am mom!" The best 4 words I've heard all day!

What I learned is that Paige was talking to her friend on the bus and didn't know she was supposed to get off the bus. She just missed her stop. I can't imagine where she would get that...must be Kurtis.

Thursday, January 01, 2009


I'll say something new for crying out loud!! I know it is bad when my father-in-law mentions to me that he is bored with my blog. I am just impressed that people actually read the thing.

December was crazy for the Minneys needless to say. A complete blur actually. I would really like to rewind it and start all over because it was just insane.

Let me start at the very beginning...a very good place to start. Since this is going to be a month covered in one post I will give you topics so you can read what you want of may have to come back later and pick up where you left off...

The Move-
Was crazy weird. We left Howell on December 12 and arrived in OKC on December 13. The movers were hysterical and there are many separate posts I could make about their singing while they were packing my things. Many of my facebook friends and I talked all during the packing process about their singing it was quite entertaining.

Finding a House-
Ya know this was quite an experience. We decided to rent a house because as many of you know, GM is a little unstable right now. So, after looking at 5 houses in Liberty, MO we were able to rent the one I really wanted all along and am very very grateful. We were told that it was under contract when we went to see it but apparently the people didn't have good enough credit and we got the house. I spent the next couple of days getting the kids enrolled in school. The part that made it so memorable was the weather in KC. I was fighting snow, ice and school closings. MO doesn't have quite the capabilties that MI does when it comes to snow and ice and I slid around quite abit those days but God is good and we stayed safe and found the perfect house for our family.

Saying goodbye-
I didn't cry until it was time to leave CSA. Then the kids and I sat in the carpool line and cried...and cried...and cried. I truly loved that place and will miss it dearly. After CSA we met the Schoebs for dinner and then swimming at our hotel so things just got worse. We kinda had a good time swimmiing...ok, not really we all knew what was coming. But then it came, goodbye time...but then, in true Schoeb/Minney fashion...the goodbyes were said, tears were shed, they left and here comes Jayson. They had forgotten all of their stuff and he had to come back and get it. Too funny!

Living with family-
Since they account for 99% of my readership...this was a wonderful experience and am so thankful for them all.

I have tons and will get them up ASAP but we haven't unpacked all of the necessary uploading equipment so I have to wait a few more days. But please check back for pics of sledding in 70 degree weather in Bricktown, Zach and Grant sporting their handmade hats in the Oklahoma City Art Museum and Christmas with the Minneys and Stephens families. And of course our new town...Liberty, MO!!!