Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Four-eyed Girl

Paige screamed her head off today as we got the call that her glasses were ready. She was so excited. The best part though was that God answered the simple prayer of a 7-year old.

We chatted as usual when I picked her up from school today. I got the daily run down as to who went to the principal's office and she asked me if I had heard from the eye glasses place about whether or not her glasses were ready. She was disappointed when I told her they hadn't called as of 10:00 a.m. when I had left the house that morning. She said, "Well, I prayed that I would get my glasses today. So I hope I do."

When we pulled into the driveway, Paige promptly opened her door, got out of the car, ran into the house and pushed the "play" button the answering machine. The only message was from the eye glass store saying her glasses were ready.

It made me thankful that Paige is learning that God does answer prayers. Even simple ones like this.


Amy M. said...

hey jacki! Tell paige I LOVE her new glasses :-) And I as well am glad you have joined the blogging land!! :-) The post about the frog dissection was hilarious. I look forward to many more great Minney stories!

Misty said...

She looks BEAUTIFUL! i LOVE her glasses! adorable....
It warmed my heart that she got such a practical lesson about God answering her prayer. :)
I KNOW Gen will come home this afternoon talking a mile a minute about Paige's glasses and how she herself is now "having a hard time seeing..."

Jacki Minney said...

Oh that is great Misty!

Paige was worried that people would make fun of her and I told her that when I was a kid I was always jealous when someone got glasses and went so far as to buy fake ones at the store and sport those at school!

Misty said...

The first thing Gen said to me was: "Paige got glasses, and mommy, she looks SOOO cute, they really suit her!"
i was proud of her mature response... then wondered when my seven year old started use words like "suit"...

Mindy said...

She reminds me a bit of Lisa Loab...don't you think Mist?
Very cute. And I concurr with Gen, they do suit her. ;o)

Misty said...

yes... they are very Lisa loeb looking... oh, lucky Paige...