Remember the post from a couple of days ago about kite flying? Well, it was on that kite flying adventure that Abi hurt her ankle. We gave it a couple of days and then went to urgent care on Tuesday to have things checked out since her foot was swollen significantly. They x-rayed it and said it was severely sprained. Two days later, we followed up with our PCP to learn that since it was an injury to the same foot that was broken back in November (yes, seriously, just 5 months ago) we should follow up with a specialist which we did this morning. So, now we are wearing a cast for 4 weeks to heal injured growth plates once again.
So, here is Ab sporting her all too familiar footwear!!!
Oh, Abi!! We are all so sorry to hear that you are in a cast...may you heal quickly and not be in too much pain!
Oh what a drag!! At least we're not too close to summer so that she'll stil lbe able to swim!
bless her heart!!! did you tell her that Amy said she was lame?
i was hoping the appt. would be encouraging!
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