Thursday, June 01, 2006

Speaking of Rednecks...

Sunday, Kurtis and I were driving back from dropping off the kids to my mom for a couple of weeks in St. Louis. About 30 miles outside of St. Louis we loose the air-conditioner in our van. So, we roll down the windows and make the best of the 90 degree heat pouring in through the windows at 80 miles per hour. Then, in the heat, my husband decides to take off his shorts and sit in only his boxers. Ok, not a good visual, but my worst thought was like getting a ticket and here is my husband in his boxers. At least they had a cute little pattern on them!

So, we get close to Indianapolis and our radio scan picks up the Indianapolis 500 and we begin to listen. Of course because of the wind coming through the windows we had it up as loud as it would go and we are like yelling at each other to discuss what we didn't know about car racing.

As we are doing this, I keep thinking we must look like the biggest rednecks to the people we are passing. At one point, I even had my barefeet out the window!!!


Mandi said...

Oh how many times has this happened to us. I remember one time even trying to ride discreetly with my shirt off!!!

Misty said...

hilarious... no flag in your back window, or beer cans being tossed from the windows so i think you are all clear :)

Mindy said...

you crack me up girl! I say it's more Summer's Anthem than redneck....well....besides the car racing, but I'm attributing that to you actually being in Indy.