Sunday, August 20, 2006

Did Wolfgang Puck begin like this????

Grant has a new found hobby and career path. He has decided he wants to be a chef. So he has been hangin out in the kitchen quite a bit and made Rice Krispy treats all by himself the other day and shared them with our professional chef friend Zac.

Zac, being a super nice guy, offered to spend a day teaching Grant the ropes of the kitchen. So, at 10 a.m. they began to prepare an amazing meal. We had homemade pasta, meatballs, some other things I can barely pronounce so I won't try to spell and a wonderful dessert thing. It was SO good.

Zac even gave Grant this get up so that he would look the part. Now, Grant loves to tell me what I am doing wrong in the kitchen and tells me what produce to buy. Ask him about tomatoes next time you see him.

His Christmas list is complete with a GOOD set of knives, a pasta maker and a new cookbook. Doesn't every 10 year old boy want that?

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