Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A New Chapter

One week from today all of the kids will attend traditional school.

It is a happy time. It is a scary time. It is an exciting time.

Through all of our homeschooling the past 7 years, I knew we were doing the right thing. Now, that they are going to school I know this is the right thing.

How do I know?

Well, every school year I ask myself and the kids if homeschooling is still the best option for our family. I also ask myself, "Why am I doing this?" This last school year my answers began to change. I always homeschooled to give my kids a great education, to be a part of that education process, to protect them from pressures of other kids and to allow them to grow and learn at their own pace. I realized I couldn't do those things effectively anymore.

The reason, though, is not so much that I had lost the passion I once had for homeschooling. I still believe it is a great educational alternative and when done correctly has great benenfits. But, I realized I had a need to control those things myself instead of leaving them to the One who controls my children much better than I ever could.

I realized that God was doing a great work in me. I am quite a control freak. I like to do things my way. I don't like to be told I am wrong and I believe I do things better than most people. I thought I was controling the lives of my children. Ha!

That was the turning point. When I realized that God has control of my children. Not me. I am here as HIS tool and not HIM. Only God can protect my kids from outside pressures. Only God can provide them with sources of great education. Only God can teach them to rely fully on Him and not their mom when they are fearful of new things. Only God loves them more than I do.

Behold the birds of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much better than they? Matt. 6:26

What a simple illustration of God's love and provision for us. He is able to guide my children. To teach them, to nurture them and protect them. It is all about Him after all and not about me.

Thank you Lord!!!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

maybe it's sleep deprivation, but your post made me cry.
It was just what I needed to hear as I fearfully contemplate Evy's first day (of the rest of her childhood life!)
Yea God.
Thanks Jacki