Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Never tell a lie...

Tonight I very nicely asked Grant to accompany Paige to take Mia (the dog) out to potty. I expected the gentle natured Grant to relish the opportunity to help his mother who sat down for the first time to snuggle her ailing 12-year old daughter.

He proceeded to throw a fit. Stomping all through the house, scooping up the dog (like she could help it she had to pee!) with fury and slamming the door shut behind him.

When he came back into the house I explained to him that he had just earned a free pass to his bedroom where he could spend the rest of the night.

After the wailing of "No one likes me", "Everybody is mean to me!" I went to talk to him.

I said, "Grant, I love you very much but I do not like it when you throw fits." He replied, "Then you don't like me." I countered, "See Grant, it is kinda like when I ask you to do something you don't want to do and you think 'I still like my mom but I don't like what I have to do right now!,' Is that how you feel sometimes G?"

He said, "No, when you ask me to do something I don't like-I don't like you either."

I had to laugh out loud.

Then he said, "Mom, you told me to never lie!"

I guess I should be thankful he is so honest!

1 comment:

Me & My Crazy Boys! said...

Oh the life of a pre-teen. I thought only girls were that dramatic :)

Good Luck!