Sunday, November 26, 2006

Ode to Antibiotics

Yesterday, I wanted to die
All I wanted to do was lie
On the couch covered with covers
And wish that I could snuggle my lover.

Oklahoma beat Oklahoma State
and that was very great
But I still had a headache, sore throat and fever
And missed being with friends for a dinner date.

I gave up and went to urgent care
The nice Indian doctor was there.
He gave me antibiotics and said go rest
It will make your strep throat better at best.

So I took the nice Indian doctor's advice
and I rested and drank water filled with ice.
My husband bought me ice cream and soup
And I think now I am half way recouped.

The End.


Me & My Crazy Boys! said...

I'm sorry to hear you're so sick. I hope you're on the up swing and feeling better.

I'm glad the hear about Oklahoma!! Yippie!!

Mindy said...

Oh I'm so sorry. We're on Strep D-day her in Sunny Costa Rica, and although Evy has a bit of tummy trouble, there's no fever or sore throat. I hope you're feeling better my friend!

Misty said...

This was really cute, in a "poor Jacki" kind of way...

I almost said something to you on thanksgiving... you were talking about Grant having Strep and said "I had my tonsils out, so I don't get it."

How ironic... even so, I am glad to hear you are better! We missed you, Chris cried... it was all very emotional. :) at the foremost of our tantrum, though, was your health and speedy recovery!