Saturday, February 17, 2007

Phone Free Day!

We declared yesterday phone free day at our house. It rocked!!!

I turned the ringers off, muted the answering machine and let the sucker ring. Awesome!!!

After a rough week on the kids I decided it was best to have no friends and no phone interrupting our day together yesterday. Grant shot aliens in his new 360 game, Paige and I read a book "The Tiger Rising" together and then took an hour long nap. We got up and watched "Lady in the Water" together (two thumbs WAY up for that one), Abi babysat and played "Sims" on the computer.

When Kurtis got home we had dinner and played "Bunco". Then we watched a little "I Shouldn't be Alive" on Discovery Channel.

It was the most relaxing day we have ever had.


Me & My Crazy Boys! said...

Phone free day.... What next, Television free day? You guys are so radical :) It sounds like you guys made the best of a good day together :)

Mindy said...

That is really cool. I think we may declare a TV free week soon. Winter has turned us into little vegtables rooted to the couch.