Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What does your 83 year old grandma do in her spare time?

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Misty said...

thats your grandma? She looks GREAT for 83!!! seriously! she is amazing!

Jacki Minney said...

She is isn't she!!! She will be 84 in August. She has been a volunteer at a hospital in South Oklahoma City for 20 years, mentors a little elementary school girl and bowls 3 games a week with her Sunday School class. She's a go getter!! She bowled 3 games this day beating all of us each game except for Kurtis on the last game by one pin. Her highest score was 144 and lowest was 115.

Me & My Crazy Boys! said...

Wow - she is an amazing women, I guess it runs in your family!

Jacki Minney said...

You are too sweet Mrs. Clegg!!