Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Don't hate me because I'm talented

I got Dance Dance Revolution for Mother's Day. I just got it yesterday but I think I'm getting pretty good.

Anyway, this is me playing DDR but I didn't want to show my face just in case someone saw it and recognized me and wanted me to do a guest spot on Letterman or something.

That would have been very embarrassing.

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Me & My Crazy Boys! said...

WOW! You really rock at DDR, who would have known. Can we expect you on the next sesion of Dancing with the Star!?

Jacki Minney said...

Of course. I will be one of the pros with the hot washed up boy band star.

Me & My Crazy Boys! said...

Me and Mindy will be in the audience with the matching home-made glittery t-shirts :)

Misty said...

ok, wow that kid is something else.
You are quite talented so I could have believed it was you, were it not for the shoes...

I LOVE that game. we have two different DDR's as well as a strawberry shortcake ddr. As you can imagine, the strawberry shortcake one is quite the challenge so if you ever need something slightly more, ehem, complicated, you are more than welcome to borrow it!

Mindy said...

Wow! I never knew you were starting to look so lanky and er...boyish. :o)