Saturday, June 02, 2007


I came in from working in the yard tonight and this is what I found:

It kinda freaked me out so I thought- call 911? First, I thought I would see what was up.

I discovered we have four baby birds living under our deck and mama bird had come in to feed them. I laid down on my belly and looked between the crack (of the deck) and there they were. It was a beautiful illustration of the Sunday School lesson I taught a few weeks ago to my 3's. We learned about how God provides food and water for the birds and flowers and we should know that God will take care of us too.

Later, I told Paige about our discovery and low and behold. This is how I found her a few minutes later.


Mindy said...

You've got to love the sweet curiosity of children. :o) See, yours aren't too big yet!

Jacki Minney said...


How 'bout that 34 year old big kid of mine!

Me & My Crazy Boys! said...

Kids are kids, it doesn't matter the age :) How fun to be able to watch you tiny babies grow (both kids and bird of course)!

Katie Khaos said...

So I'm posting this again for you since you deleted it last time....
I love footie pajamas. If they made them in my size, I would totally wear them. Not gonna lie.