Thursday, July 19, 2007

I got to go to Mall of America!!!

For real!!!! I did!!!!

I thought Lib was going to laugh at me until she threw up when I said I wanted to go to Mall of America. But come on!!! Who goes to Minneapolis/St. Paul without going!! Really people!!!!

I know she lives there and everything and I think she hid most of the time so that she wasn't seen by anyone she knew (ok, not really) but we did go and she did ride the roller coaster I might add!!

Mindy was much more gracious. She made me feel better by saying, "Henry has never been to MOA either! It will be his first time too!" Thanks Min!

We did have a great time and we thank our hosts Zac and Lib for all the GREAT food and fun we had last weekend. You are missed!!!!


Misty said...

how fun! so glad you all got to be together again...

Personally I am not a Mall of America fan either... but I am glad you had a great time! That is what counts.

Jacki Minney said...

I doubt I will ever go back to MOA but I had to go!! I mean, don't ya HAVE to go????

I guess I am just to typical a tourist!!!

Me & My Crazy Boys! said...

Tourist yes, typicall NO!!! Now, you have to admit that I too proclaimed that it was Mac's first time at MOA and I did pull the caravan over so you could get your picture taken in front of the sign (your husband wanted to drive off an leave you)!!

We had a great time at the mall with you guys and would be more than happy to join you there again any time.

Jacki Minney said...

Very true Lib. I am so glad to have been there for Mac and Henry's first time at MOA.

Misty said...

I agree... I went, that was it :)