Thursday, August 09, 2007

God Bless America!

Ok....Yes...I'm being totally sarcastic in my praise for our nation. I am FED UP!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!

In late May we applied for passports for our August 1-13 trip to Costa Rica. Are we in Costa Rica? NO!!! Do we have passports??? NO!!! Are we not in Costa Rica because we don't have passports??? No...not really. But still it is the principle of the matter!! We could have been in that situation.

Today, after 3 days without mail, my neighbor comes to me and says that she had just gotten off the phone with the post office. She was told mail has been cut off from our sub until further notice because our mail carrier had been stung by bees 3 times. So I went down to the Howell Post Office and calmly stated my frustration.

Well...maybe not so calmly but at least I didn't have on my 242 t-shirt.

Anyway, by the time I got to the post office the mail carrier lady had been bitten 10 times which is amazing to me that she had been bitten 7 more times in about 10 minutes and she isn't even supposed to be delivering our mail today. Weird huh?

So, I'm thinking maybe our passports are in the mail and we haven't received them due to this buzzing problem. Get it...BUZZING!

Nope, not there.

I love this country.

1 comment:

Me & My Crazy Boys! said...

Wow, your poor mail lady, I hope she isn't allergic to bee's or she might be dead by now :) I can't say I miss the Howell mail delivery system!