3 iPods
2 portable DVD players
3 Nintendo DS
3 kids that are bored for the 4 hour (well like 6 with construction and stupid Chicago traffic) trip to Chicago. What the heck!!
This is our first weekend (although midweek) get away we have had with two teens. They are legitimately weird. Full fledged weird. Example: This morning we stop to have breakfast at Dunkin Donuts which is a huge deal because we don't usually do that. We can't just go in and get a donut. Abi needs a iced mocha latte, Grant needs an omelet croissant, I also messed up the whole system because when I ordered coffee she asked if I wanted cream. Who knew they did that behind the counter for you? Kurtis shorted out knowing that usually I get the non-fat, no whip decaf number at Starbucks so he had to find out what I wanted. He commented that he remembered when going to get a donut was a simple as going into the store and getting a donut and milk. That simple. No choices. Just donut. Milk. Not with teens in 2008 people.
Six Flags was fun and I actually rode a roller coaster for the first time since college. My church college group went before Kurtis and I were married and that is the last time I rode one. So one of the bonuses of older kids is-roller coasters! It was so fun!
Anyway, here are pics from the adventurous weekend. Enjoy!
This post made me laugh!! I miss you guys:)
Oh and by the way this is Carrie not Jon that made the previous comment-
I miss the Minney's!!!! Glad to hear your trip was fun. Way to go girl, glad to hear you joined in the roller coaster fun too!
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