Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Jacki goes to the Dentist

Usually there isn't anything real blog-worthy about a trip to see my dentist. You go, get your teeth cleaned, pick out your pretty new toothbrush and you go out the door right? Not today.

I was introduced to a new hygienist in the office. We will call her Crazy Kathy. We walk back to the little room where the scraping of six months of plaque will be removed from my pearly whites thereby giving me that snappy smile.

She begins the x-ray process and the small talk. And the small talk became enormous talk. Most of you know me well enough to know I can carry my weight in a conversation. I'm not shy. But I was speechless and not because she was up to her elbows in my mouth.

The first thing Crazy Kathy felt like she should tell me is that she has an allergy problem and that is why she is coughing...this is not a cold so do not be concerned. Oh, ok. She then puts an orange flavored cough drop in her mouth. There are many scents I just can't handle and one of them is orange. It just turns my stomach. I hate all orange candy or air fresheners. Just don't like'em. Nice that she now reaches over into my face with an orange flavored (scented) cough drop right in my face.

Then, in the following hour I learned the following about Crazy Kathy:
1. She has two daughters.
2. One daughter is married to a member of the armed forces.
3. He is over seas right now and so her daughter and grand kids are staying with her.
4. She was born and raised in MI.
5. She is the oldest of 6 kids.
6. She went to an all girls school.
7. It was a Catholic School.
---------------orange scented breath here------------
8. There were 200 kids in each grade.
9. This school isn't open anymore.
10. Youngest daughter was a real trouble maker.
11. She almost had to go to boarding school in Indiana.
12. Her husband objected to this plan so they hired a private tutor.
13. Her brother is a elementary school principal in another state.
---------------orange scented breath here------------
14. Another brother is going through a divorce and her mother is upset about this.
15. Mother chased brother down the street with a wooden spoon because of said divorce.
16. Another brother has a spoiled rotten child.
17. The mom dresses him weird.
18. She talks to her about this but she won't listen.
19. She is afraid he is going to get beat up.
20. He is only 3 right now.
--------------orange scented breath here-------------
I could so go on!!!!!


Katie Khaos said...

Bwa ha ha!!! I hate life-story-in-five-minutes-of-knowing-you people. It just makes me uncomfortable... I have no desire to know anyone I've only known for five minutes that well.

I was just thinking... I haven't been to the dentist since I lived with you... I should probably do that soon...

Unknown said...

Ummm....yeah...probably time to do that sis.